Home Companies NJ Transit

NJ Transit

Newark, NJ


Government-owned New Jersey Transit (NJ TRANSIT) provides bus, rail, and light rail passenger transportation services. Its systems connect major points in New Jersey and provide links to the neighboring New York City and Philadelphia metropolitan areas. Overall, the NJ TRANSIT service area spans about 5,325 sq. miles. One of the largest transportation companies of its kind in the US, NJ TRANSIT operates a fleet of more than 2,000 buses, 710 commuter trains, and 45 light rail vehicles. Collectively, the agency’s passengers make more than 220 million trips a year. NJ TRANSIT oversees public transportation programs for the elderly, people with disabilities, and people in rural areas.

Open positions at NJ Transit (Hiring Now!)

To assist you in your job search, here are the other open positions in NJ Transit the moment: