OysterLink Job Platform Launching Dec. 2024
The OysterLink Job Platform is Launching December 2024

Top 12 Concierge Interview Questions & Example Answers

Starting or advancing your Concierge career can be difficult.

Not knowing how to answer interview questions, dress for an interview or follow-up can make you reluctant to apply to those Concierge jobs.

We are here to help you overcome all the hurdles preventing you from applying.

Keep reading to learn more about the common interview questions associated with this role, divided into three categories:

  • General interview questions
  • Questions about skills and experience
  • Situational interview questions

General Questions for a Concierge Interview

Refer to these general Concierge questions to learn how to answer high-level inquiries regarding this role. This set of questions aims to assess whether you’re a fit for the role and the establishment you’re applying for.

Why do you want to work as a Concierge?

Example answer: “I believe that a Concierge has to want to help people and provide exceptional care to guests. My passion for hospitality and willingness to assist people make me a good fit for this position.

I keep a positive attitude and generally have pleasant interactions with people. Working as a Concierge seems like a career where I get to develop my interpersonal and communication skills while also advancing my career.”

Where do you see yourself in five years if you get this job?

Example answer: “I see myself moving up the ladder and becoming a Lead Concierge or working a managerial position within your establishment.

Naturally, I plan to better myself and develop additional skills that would make me more suited for a leadership role.”

What do you believe to be best practices for customer service?

Example answer: “I think that the most important aspect of customer service is listening.

When you listen to guests’ wants, needs and preferences, it is easy to thrive in any customer-facing role. From there, it’s a simple matter of pleasing the customer and meeting, if not exceeding, their expectations.”

Why do you want to work here?

Example answer: “I want to work for your hotel because it has a stellar reputation and I’ve heard only good things about it. My skills and personality fit well with the expectations of a Concierge, so I believe that I can contribute to your team while also developing and creating career growth opportunities for myself.

Ultimately, I want to excel in this role and see how far I can get.”

Concierge Interview Questions About Skills and Experience

Interviewers will always ask about your skills and previous experience working in similar roles. You can refer to some of these common questions to prepare answers and ace your next Concierge interview.

image showing concierge skills

What are the essential skills of a Concierge?

Example answer: “The essential skills of a Concierge include active listening, communication and making personalized recommendation.

At the crux of the matter is the ability to politely and promptly resolve any issues, complaints or requests that a guest may have. So, an individual who can listen to guests and provide solutions in a polite manner is an individual who has the skills to become a Concierge.”

How do you handle multiple guest requests?

Example answer: “I prioritize them based on urgency and how long a particular task might take. For example, a guest once requested that I make a reservation for them at a busy restaurant. I tried calling the restaurant, but no one picked up.

Another guest then approached the Concierge desk and asked for a sightseeing recommendation.

I told the first guest that I will try again in a minute while listening to what the second guest wanted to see and then made recommendations accordingly.

After that, I called the restaurant, they picked up and I managed to make the reservation for the first guest.”

How would you describe your verbal and written communication?

Example answer: “I would say that I am an excellent communicator.

I actively listen to understand what a particular guest is looking for and then I politely provide them with concise and precise information that they requested.

In my written communication, I try to be formal and exact. I professionally address all guest questions and present the answers in a simple and easy to understand manner.”

Have you ever worked with a diverse group of people or interacted with guests from different backgrounds?

Example answer: “Certainly!

I try to learn as much as I can from my first interaction with the guests. I inquire about their background (if I sense they are willing to share) and try to learn about their norms to make personalized and respectful recommendations.

This includes greeting guests in their language and adapting my communication style to reflect their cultural preferences.”

Situational Concierge Interview Questions

When interacting with people, unforeseeable situations are bound to pop up.

The situational interview questions will evaluate your ability to be quick on your feet and offer excellent customer service no matter the situation.

See what you might expect in the video below, showing a day in the life of a Concierge:

You recommended a restaurant to a guest. They went to dinner and came back dissatisfied. How would you handle an angry patron?

Example answer: “I would first apologize for making a recommendation that wasn’t to their taste. I would then ask what the specific issue was so that I could understand it thoroughly and make better recommendations in the future.

In addition, I would offer them a complimentary service like a voucher for another meal at a different restaurant or a treat from the hotel as a gesture of goodwill.”

Can you describe a situation in which you went above and beyond for a guest?

Example answer: “One time, in my previous role, we had a guest visiting our hotel for the first time and they were a bit overwhelmed with the unfamiliar surroundings.

I conversed with them to ensure they felt welcome and comfortable and took this opportunity to learn about them.

I discovered that the guest was a fan of local cuisine and sports activities.

To tailor the guest’s experience to their preferences, I made a list of restaurants with authentic cuisine and several excursion options with sports activities.

The guest went on to try multiple restaurants and booked two different excursions.

Later, I reached out to the guest to make sure that they had a good time and to further increase our rapport and foster guest loyalty.”

A guest asks you about a local attraction or event. How do you make a recommendation that aligns with their expectations?

Example answer: “I would start by learning about the guest’s preferences and what they are hoping to see, if they prefer to listen to jazz music or play sports.

From there, I would make a list of potential attractions that might be of interest to our guest, complete with best times to visit, tips to make the most of it and any special time-sensitive events they could attend for a limited time.”

How do you handle confidential information?

Safeguarding guest information is pivotal in the hospitality industry, considering that a single data breach can cost more than $3.36 million according to IBM.


cost of a hospitality data breach


Example answer: “Recently, a high-profile guest entrusted me with arranging a surprise anniversary celebration for their spouse. Understanding the importance of confidentiality, I ensured that all details of the event, including guest lists and special requests, were kept strictly confidential.

Additionally, I implemented extra security measures to protect the guest’s privacy, such as using secure communication channels and limiting access to sensitive information.

This not only honored the guest’s trust but also upheld the reputation of the hotel as a trusted and discreet establishment.”

How To Prepare for Concierge Interview Questions as a Candidate?

You can take the following steps to prepare for your upcoming Concierge interview:

  • Research the establishment offering the job you’re applying for. Familiarize yourself with their guest demographic, as well as local restaurants, attractions and transportation options in the area.
  • Review your job history and identify the experience most relevant to the role you are applying for.
  • Prepare and practice common interview questions and example answers that demonstrate your skills in a Concierge role.

How To Hire the Best Concierge for Your Establishment?

If you’re a hiring manager you can use these same questions to learn about what to ask aspiring Concierges.

Additionally, here are a couple extra tips on what to do before interviewing Concierge applicants:

  • Write a clear Concierge job description.
  • Create questions that evaluate the candidate’s work experience and history with a focus on relevant Concierge experience.
  • Incorporate scenario-based questions that will allow you to assess the candidate’s adaptability in this highly dynamic role.
  • Assess the candidate’s attention to detail and organization skills which are necessary elements of every successful Concierge.