Gibault Children’s Services
Gibault was founded in 1921 by the Indiana Knights of Columbus as a home for wayward boys. Over the years, Gibault has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of troubled kids everywhere. Today, Gibault serves boys and girls and has provided life-changing opportunities for over 10,000 children and their families. Gibault serves children with mild emotional disturbances, aggressive and oppositional behaviors, substance abuse issues, victims and perpetrators of physical and sexual abuse, learning disabled children, and children with a variety of clinical issues in residential and community based environments.
– Gibault is accredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA) of Services for Families & Children.
– Gibault is a member of IARCA – the Indiana Association of Resources and Child Advocacy.
– Holy Cross School is accredited through Advanced Education, formerly known as North Central Association.
– Gibault is licensed as a Child Caring Institution and a Private Secure Facility by the Indiana Department of Child Services.
Open positions at Gibault Children’s Services (Hiring Now!)
To assist you in your job search, here are the other open positions in Gibault Children’s Services the moment: