Dufry is a global travel retailer with operations in 63 countries with around 2200 shops around the world. We provide world class one stop tax and duty free shopping for travellers worldwide. Dufry is globally active, with its corporate structure organised in five Divisions: Southern Europe and Africa; UK, Central and Eastern Europe; Asia, Middle East and Australia; Latin America and North America.
The North American travel retail market is one of the traditional core markets of Dufry. We have an extensive footprint of operations in both duty-free and duty-paid. The ongoing modernisation of the airport landscape offers a considerable potential to expand the 70 locations with brand boutiques and specialised shops in both the US and Canada.
The North American division has recently extended to include several concessions in Seattle, Cleveland, Calgary, St. Louis and Los Angeles, while also winning new contracts in Las Vegas, Minneapolis and Tulsa airport. Vancouver, Seattle and Toronto airport refurbishments have led to awards and continued airport contracts. Overall, we opened over 100 new shops in 2016 in the division.
Open positions at Dufry (Hiring Now!)
To assist you in your job search, here are the other open positions in Dufry the moment: