Boomerang Transport
Boomerang Transport is a nationwide medical transportation company specializing in Worker’s Compensation transport with a focus on the Southeast Region and Mid-Atlantic of the United States. We provide non-emergency ambulatory transport for any person who is physically or mentally unable to drive themselves. Our clients know that we are the most dependable fleet on the road and that is why they place their trust in us.
Our motto at Boomerang Transport is that on time is late! We strive to not only show up on time for every appointment, but to show up early. We also strive to provide the highest level of customer service and provide the best user experience in the industry. In fact we are proud to boast an industry leading miss rate of 99.995%.
There are several key factors that set Boomerang Transport apart. First we have competitive pricing that couples with a client oriented focus. We have a six point check-in system for each ride that logs driver progress with a time and date stamp, and can be provided to our clients at any time. In addition, we have a large network that is growing every day to reduce unloaded miles and unnecessary cost.
Giving back to the community is also very important to us at Boomerang Transport. In fact, a portion of all proceeds are donated to charity. The company designated beneficiary is Cancer Services, but all drivers can designate a beneficiary of their choosing and Boomerang Transport will donate on their behalf.
Open positions at Boomerang Transport (Hiring Now!)
To assist you in your job search, here are the other open positions in Boomerang Transport the moment:

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients

Part Time Driver For Injured Patients