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Restaurant Consultant Interview Questions & Example Answers

Restaurant Consultant Interview Questions & Example Answers

The core responsibilities of Restaurant Consultants are to analyze the operations and processes of a restaurant (or any other type of food establishment) and find ways to improve them and the bottom line.

You can explore more about what a Restaurant Consultant does on our career page.

But before you can start working as a Restaurant Consultant, you will need to ace your upcoming Restaurant Consultant interview.

That is why we created this list of seven common Restaurant Consultant interview questions with example answers that you can use to prepare.

Additionally, employers can refer to these questions to come up with questions to ask during interviews, along with additional tips on how to hire the best consultant for your establishment.

Restaurant Consultant Interview Questions About Skills & Experience

If you’re applying for a Restaurant Consultant job, keep in mind that employers will ask questions about your skills and experience. These will help them determine whether your background aligns with what they are looking for.

What are the skills and qualities of successful Restaurant Consultants?

Example answer: “Successful Restaurant Consultants can analyze a restaurant’s operations and identify areas that need improvement. Although individuals in this role have to possess several skills, I would argue that the most important one is communication. It is the job of a Restaurant Consultant to communicate with the client, often the owner or the Restaurant Manager, to understand their needs and pain points. From there, it is on the Consultant to communicate how best to achieve the desired results, train the staff, work on new menu options and more. Without excellent communication and organization skills, I don’t think it’s possible to do this job.”

Tell me about your previous restaurant experience.

Example answer: “I have several years of experience in the hospitality industry, specifically working in senior managerial roles such as the role of Director of Restaurant Operations.

During this time, I’ve developed the skills necessary to successfully run a restaurant and optimize the restaurant’s processes to ensure improved bottom line. This includes inventory management, staff training, menu and pricing development and contract negotiation with the vendors and suppliers.”

Do you have experience with restaurant marketing, and can you cite an example when you successfully helped a restaurant establish its brand?

Example answer: “Yes, I have experience with restaurant marketing. Quite recently, I was contacted by a bistro that was struggling to attract customers. I went in and analyzed their offerings, location and the desired clientele.

Once I determined their ideal positioning, I launched a targeted marketing campaign through social media and in-house events. This led to a 30% increase in the restaurant’s revenue within six months.”

Technical Restaurant Consultant Interview Questions

This set of Restaurant Consultant interview questions assesses the applicant’s technical ability to perform in the role. As a candidate, use this set of questions to figure out what areas of your expertise to highlight during your future job interviews.

How do you identify issues with the restaurant’s inventory management system and improve it?

Example answer: “I start by conducting a comprehensive audit of the restaurant’s operations. I analyze their inventory system, waste reports, purchase orders and look for areas that exhibit inefficiency. From there, I suggest implementing an inventory management system, such as Revel Systems, to improve my client’s operations. This allows them to easily track and manage their inventory, preorder or generate reports.

Additionally, I would offer training on the software and ensure that all members of my client’s team know what to look for and what to focus on when tracking inventory.”

How do you train restaurant staff and ensure a high level of customer service when implementing changes?

Example answer: “When coming into a restaurant as a consultant, it is important for the staff and all members of the team to understand why you’re there.

I always start by introducing myself and carefully explaining why I’m there and what the restaurant is struggling with. I explain the broad steps we need to take to improve the restaurant’s operations and then I break it down into smaller, more digestible segments. This allows every team member to understand what we’re doing and why we’re doing it.

Once everyone has a clear understanding of what the goals are, I break it down further to give everyone an idea of what their role will be and how to perform optimally. If there’s anything that we need to clarify, I leave room at the end of each session for questions. I also do regular check-ins to see how the restaurant is faring and to ensure that they are making progress.

Restaurant Consultant Interview Questions About Menu

A Restaurant Consultant might need to optimize the restaurant’s processes or start a marketing campaign. They also might need study how to enhance the restaurant’s offerings, which involves collaborating with the Chef to come up with new menu items or pricing.

How often do you recommend that a restaurant changes its menu?

Example answer: “I usually recommend that a restaurant updates its menu and comes up with new offerings every six months. However, some restaurants, especially the ones that are family-owned and have been producing a specific type of cuisine for generations, are usually hesitant to implement menu changes as they fear they might lose their regulars who come in for their traditional dishes. In such cases, I recommend that they also include healthier, vegetarian or other more contemporary options that would attract additional customers.”

How would you address customer complaints that the restaurant’s portions are too small?

Example answer: “If customers complained that portions in a particular restaurant are small, I would try to address that with the client. I would first show the client examples of portions that restaurant goers expect to see when they frequent an establishment. From there, I would work with the kitchen to make the portions larger or to create new offerings that would be more satisfactory. Of course, we would do this without sacrificing quality or creating too big of a strain on the budget.”

Prepare for Your Restaurant Consultant Interview as an Applicant

When applying for the role of Restaurant Consultant, it is important to leave a good impression on your potential employer. Explore the steps below to ensure you do everything you can to land that consultant job.

  • Study the job description: Carefully read what the restaurant is looking for. Examine their goals and what they hope to achieve and whether you have the skills and relevant experience to make it happen.
  • Highlight most relevant skills: If your background matches what the employer is looking for, then you want to bring the focus the most relevant skills you have. For example, if the employer’s goal is to attract new customers through a marketing campaign, you should highlight how you have helped restaurants with branding, positioning and social media marketing to attract new customers.
  • Conduct mock interviews: Sit down with a friend or colleague and conduct a mock interview. This will help you stay calm during the actual interview, and you will manage to get through the most common interview questions with greater ease.
  • Dress for the occasion: Research the restaurant and choose the appropriate attire. If the restaurant is more casual, consider pants and a shirt. However, if it is more of an upscale establishment, consider donning a full suit and tie to leave the most professional first impression.

Tips for Employers When Hiring a Restaurant Consultant

Restaurant Consultants’ salaries can vary based on their experience. They can also charge for their services on an hourly, daily or a monthly basis.

If you're an employer, which aspect of your restaurant would you hire a Consultant for?

Before you hire the Restaurant Consultant for your establishment, consider taking the following steps first:

  1. Define your goals and objectives.
  2. Research potential Restaurant Consultants.
  3. Request quotations from these potential Consultants to help you set a budget for this role.
  4. Conduct interviews.
  5. Check their references.
  6. Explore the portfolio of their past work and whether they have experience with the types of establishments like yours.
  7. Determine whether you will pay the consultants on an hourly, weekly or monthly basis.
  8. Communicate your establishment’s expectations.
  9. Evaluate the proposed strategy from each potential Restaurant Consultant.
  10. Set milestones and determine how to track progress.