Sous Chef Salary in NYC, NY
How Much Does a Sous Chef Make in NYC, NY?
The average annual salary for a Sous Chef in NYC, NY is $67,503.00. We calculate this figure using our salary methodology, which includes data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau and other websites and agencies.
What could I earn?
Find out how your salary compares to the average Sous Chef salary.Average Sous Chef Base Salary:
What can I earn as Sous Chef? Your salary is $0.00 on the US national average.How much does a Sous Chef make in New York per hour?
The hourly rate for a Sous Chef in New York is currently $32.00. This does not include tips, bonuses or other performance-based incentives offered by the establishment they’re employed in.
How much does a Sous Chef make in New York per month?
The average monthly salary for a Sous Chef in New York is $5,625.25.
How much does a Sous Chef make in New York per week?
Based on the hourly and monthly salaries above, the average Sous Chef salary per week in New York is $1,280.00.
How Can I Earn More Money as a Sous Chef in New York?
The easiest way to earn more money as a Sous Chef is to ask for a raise or a promotion. To do that, you’ll need to be prepared to discuss with your employer about why you deserve a raise.
To help you out, we’ve got a list of Sous Chef interview questions and answers that you can use to come up with your own answers when you’re asking for a raise.
How Can I Determine What I Should be Earning as a Sous Chef in New York?
In addition to the average salaries above, you can view our job listings for and see what employers are willing to pay for the role.
What Skills Are Employers Looking for in a Sous Chef in New York?
You can see what employers want in a Sous Chef in New York if you take a look at a sample Sous Chef job description. In it, you’ll find the most common skills, abilities and experience requirements for this role.
High-Paying Cities for Sous Chef
The table below showcases four of the best cities to work in as a Sous Chef. You can see the average annual wage for a Sous Chef in each of these cities.
Similar Careers in New York
If you’re interested in seeing what other roles you can work in NYC, see our NYC jobs page.