Hotel Manager Salary in the United States 2025
Hotel Managers are among the highest earners in the hotel industry, given the experience, skill and leadership requirements for the job.
In fact, the average salary for Hotel Managers in the United States (U.S.) is $76,790 per year. Read on to know how their salaries vary by location, experience and more.
What could I earn?
Find out how your salary compares to the average Hotel Manager salary.Average Hotel Manager Base Salary:
What can I earn as Hotel Manager? Your salary is $0.00 on the US national average.How Much Do Hotel Managers Make?
The table below provides a breakdown of the average Hotel Manager salary in the U.S., including annual, monthly, weekly and hourly earnings.
Breakdown | Salary |
Annual | $76,790 |
Monthly | $6,399.17 |
Weekly | $1,476.73 |
Hourly | $36.92 |
Hotel Manager Salary by Year
Hotel Manager salary averages in the U.S. have been on the rise since 2019, increasing from $63,570 per year in 2019 to $76,790 per year in 2023.
[Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)]
This graph is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the graph to see detailed data.
The base salary of a Hotel Manager can range from $39,270 per year to as high as $127,090 per year, with the median salary at $65,360 per year.
[Source: BLS]
This graph is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the graph to see detailed data.
These variations depend on different factors, including work operations, hotel company, sales and profitability and more. Know how much you can make as a Hotel Manager by exploring these factors below.
Top Factors Impacting Hotel Manager Salaries in the US
A Hotel Manager’s salary can differ slightly or greatly depending on several factors. It’s important to be aware of these to ensure you’re earning fairly and making informed career decisions.

Experience is one of the key aspects employers and hiring managers focus on when bringing in a new Hotel Manager. As seen in Hotel Manager jobs listed on our website, hotels are usually looking for individuals with at least two to five years of hotel management experience.
These top skills and a high sense of responsibility make the employee more valuable to their employer. Those with years of managerial experience can also expect to have a higher chance of getting leadership roles in larger hotels, which typically offer higher compensation.
Although the role of Hotel Manager does not require a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree, further education can demonstrate your knowledge of hospitality and business in general.
Many large hotels and big hospitality companies also require candidates to have at least a bachelor’s degree in hospitality or a related course.
Formal education can translate into a higher Hotel Manager salary if the employer believes the hotel will benefit from the individual’s expertise gained while obtaining said degree or certification.
Type of Hotel
A luxury hotel or large resort will often offer a higher Hotel Manager salary following the added duties and responsibilities the employee will have to deal with. In contrast, a smaller, limited-service establishment typically offers lower salaries but isn’t as strict or as stressful.
You can also expect more opportunities for career advancement, higher compensation and recognition when you get a job at a prestigious hotel company.
Hotels in metropolitan areas, top destinations or urban states usually pay more, given the higher cost of living and high demand for hotels and hotel management professionals.
Hotel Manager Salary Breakdown by State
As mentioned, location, including the state you live in, plays a role in determining your Hotel Manager salary.
[Source: BLS]
This map is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the graph to see detailed data.
For example, Hotel Managers in Hawaii are considered the highest earners, with an average salary of $119,640 per year. Connecticut and Colorado are second and third, with an average salary of $111,890 and $103,880 per year, respectively.
These three states have a large tourism industry and a high cost of living, which can explain the high average salaries.
How Do I Check My Take-Home Pay by State as a Hotel Manager?
Regardless of your state, use our Paycheck Calculator to find out how much your take-home pay is. Simply input your salary, choose the pay frequency and select your state. This will deduct all local, state and federal taxes and services like Medicare.
Paycheck Calculator
Disclaimer: Please note that this paycheck calculator is designed to provide an estimate and should not be considered as professional tax advice. The actual withholding amounts and taxes owed may vary depending on individual circumstances and other factors. For accurate and personalized tax advice, we recommend consulting with a tax professional.
If your gross pay is $84,000.00 per year in the state of California, your net pay (or take home pay) will be $62,761.43 after tax deductions of 25.28% (or $21,238.57). Deductions include a total of [1] 13.39% (or $11,248.10) for the federal income tax, [2] 4.24% (or $3,564.47) for the state income tax, [3] 6.20% (or $5,208.00) for the social security tax and [4] 1.45% (or $1,218.00) for Medicare.
The Federal Income Tax is collected by the government and is consistent across all U.S. regions. In contrast, the State Income Tax is levied by the state of residence and work, leading to substantial variations. The Social Security Tax is used to fund Social Security, which benefits retirees, persons with disabilities and survivors of deceased workers. Medicare involves a federal payroll tax designated for the Medicare insurance program. As of 2022, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming do not levy a state income tax.
Want to know the average salary for your state? Check out the table below, from highest average salary to lowest.
State | Avg. Salary |
Alabama | $68,090 |
Alaska | $69,880 |
Arizona | $76,750 |
Arkansas | $49,020 |
California | $85,640 |
Colorado | $103,880 |
Connecticut | $111,890 |
Delaware | $79,370 |
Florida | $93,340 |
Georgia | $65,820 |
Hawaii | $119,640 |
Idaho | $68,530 |
Illinois | $69,170 |
Indiana | $58,830 |
Iowa | $59,010 |
Kansas | $67,090 |
Kentucky | $58,720 |
Louisiana | $66,340 |
Maine | $75,830 |
Maryland | $78,520 |
Massachusetts | $98,610 |
Michigan | $69,670 |
Minnesota | $73,050 |
Mississippi | N/A |
Missouri | $71,380 |
Montana | $63,330 |
Nebraska | $53,960 |
Nevada | $81,330 |
New Hampshire | $71,800 |
New Jersey | $80,100 |
New Mexico | $72,200 |
New York | $95,080 |
North Carolina | $75,470 |
North Dakota | $57,090 |
Ohio | $57,580 |
Oklahoma | $55,020 |
Oregon | $62,360 |
Pennsylvania | $66,250 |
Rhode Island | $85,720 |
South Carolina | $82,880 |
South Dakota | $62,430 |
Tennessee | $63,140 |
Texas | $68,000 |
Utah | $78,490 |
Vermont | $71,840 |
Virginia | $75,860 |
Washington | $78,380 |
West Virginia | $64,240 |
Wisconsin | $63,770 |
Wyoming | $66,330 |
District of Columbia | $100,720 |
What Are the Highest-Paying Cities for Hotel Managers?
Not only does the average salary for a Hotel Manager differ depending on your state, but it can also vary depending on your city. Here are some of the highest-paying cities for Hotel Managers in the U.S.
Annual mean wage
# of employees
Annual mean wage
# of employees
Annual mean wage
# of employees
Annual mean wage
# of employees
How Do Hotel Manager Salaries Compare With Hospitality Management Roles?
Below are some hospitality management jobs with salaries so you can compare wages, explore other options and plan accordingly.
All salaries listed in this article follow OysterLink’s salary estimate methodology.
Job Title | Avg Salary |
Kitchen Manager | $56,460 |
Restaurant Manager | $69,580 |
Hotel General Manager | $93,384 |
Director of Restaurant Operations | $102,697 |
Hotel Manager Salary FAQs
Check out the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by current and aspiring hotel management professionals.
A Hotel Manager does not typically receive tips, unlike Servers, Hosts/Hostesses and Waiters/Waitresses.
If customers are extremely satisfied with a Hotel Manager’s service, they often choose to write letters of appreciation to management instead of giving tips to the front office.
A Hotel Manager in the U.S. earns an average monthly salary of $6,399.17, amounting to an average annual salary of $76,790.
A Hotel Manager in the lowest 10% of earners has an average salary of less than $39,270 per year.
This group is typically made up of Hotel Managers who work for small establishments and new Hotel Managers with limited job experience or responsibilities.
The job benefits you can get depend on your employer. Some employers offer paid time off (PTO), medical and dental insurance, retirement plans, free shift meals, paid holidays and more.
However, keep in mind that you also have rights like overtime pay and parental leave that your employer should follow. For more information on your legal rights, check out our labor law guides. There, you can find separate pages for labor laws in each U.S. state.
Having a degree in hospitality can make you more appealing as a candidate for larger and full-service hotels, which can translate to a higher Hotel Manager salary.
However, remember that managerial experience and skills are more important than education in hotel management for this job title.
Knowledge of food and beverage, sales, budgets and housekeeping can also prepare Hotel Managers to be department managers or even Hotel General Managers.
If you want to increase your chances of getting hired and receiving a higher Hotel Manager salary, you may want to obtain a bachelor’s degree in hotel management.
Additionally, you can consider obtaining hotel management certifications such as Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA) offered by the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) or Certified Hospitality General Manager (CHGM) offered by the International Hospitality Institute (IHI).
Being a Hotel Manager is a hard but rewarding job. Individuals in this role are responsible for making important decisions for the hotel’s operations and dealing with high-stress situations such as addressing customer complaints and resolving issues between workers.
They may also have to be available 24/7 and ready to deal with any emergency situation that comes up.