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How To Decline a Job Offer [Tips & Email Examples]


In the United States, with 17.3% of job offers being rejected, indicating that during your career, there’s a significant chance you may need to decline a job offer at some point.

Declining a job can be a challenging decision that requires kindness, tact and professionalism. In most scenarios it is often influenced by better opportunities, misalignment with personal goals or worries about the company culture.

In this article, we’ll explain how to politely decline a job offer, give you useful additional tips and share three free email templates for turning down a job offer.

How To Politely Decline a Job Offer [Step-By-Step]

Declining a job offer respectfully is crucial to maintaining professional relationships and your reputation in the industry.

Here are key points to consider when you need to turn down an offer:

Step 1: Express Gratitude

Always start by thanking the employer for the opportunity and for considering you for the position. Begin your communication by expressing genuine appreciation for the offer and the opportunity to learn about the company. Acknowledge the time and effort that their team invested in the hiring process.

This step is important because it leaves a positive impression, demonstrating your professionalism and courtesy, which is important for maintaining a good reputation in your industry.

Example: “Thank you so much for offering me the position of [Job Title]. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to potentially join [Company Name] and am grateful for the time and effort you put into the interview process.”

Step 2: Communicate Your Reasons Honestly but Tactfully

Clearly state your reasons for declining the offer but be diplomatic. Avoid negative comments about the company or the offer.

You may be really impressed with the offer, but you decide to turn down the offer because “it doesn’t quite match your career goals” or you have personal reasons.

This step is important because being honest about your reasons for declining shows integrity and transparency.

Example: “I’m really impressed with [Company Name] and the team, but I’ve decided to turn down the offer because [reason]. Please know I didn’t make this choice easily.”

Step 3: Offer to Keep in Touch

If you’re interested in future opportunities or want to maintain a network connection, suggest staying in contact.

This step is important because it demonstrates your interest in building and maintaining professional relationships, which is a valued trait in any industry.

Example: “I’ve genuinely enjoyed our interactions and would be happy to stay in touch. Please feel free to reach out if there are future opportunities or if I can assist in any other way.”

Step 4: Offer a Reason if It’s Appropriate

While you’re not obligated to provide a reason, doing so can help maintain a positive relationship. If you choose to share your reason, ensure it’s professional and respectful, such as pursuing a different opportunity that aligns more closely with your career goals.

This step is important because it shows respect and professionalism, as you’re giving a bit of insight into your decision-making process.

Example: “I wanted to share with you that, after careful consideration, I have decided to decline the offer. This decision was not easy, but I realized that I am pursuing a different direction in my career that aligns more closely with my long-term goals.

Step 5: Wish the Company Success

Conclude your message by wishing the company and the team success as it shows goodwill and leaves the interaction on a positive note.

This step is important because it shows that you respect the company and its endeavors, keeping the door open for potential future interactions.

Example: “Lastly, I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your team. I am impressed with the work your company is doing and have no doubt that you will continue to achieve great success.

Tips for Declining a Job Offer

Whether it’s because of personal reasons, a better offer somewhere else or the employer branding, turning down a job offer needs careful handling and a good grasp of the right way to do it.

The best tips to follow when turning down a job are:

  • Communicate in a timely manner: Once you’ve made your decision, inform the employer as soon as possible. This shows respect for their time and allows them to continue their search for a suitable candidate without unnecessary delay.
  • Use the appropriate communication channel: Depending on the nature of your interactions with the company, choose the right medium to communicate your decision. If your interactions have been formal and via email, it’s appropriate to reply in the same manner. For more casual interactions, a phone call might be more suitable.
  • Keep it brief and professional: Your explanation should be concise. Avoid oversharing or providing unnecessary details. You could write something like: “I believe it’s best for me to explore other opportunities that align more closely with my professional objectives. Rest assured that this decision is in no way a reflection of your company or the excellent impression I have of your team.”
  • Follow up if necessary: If you’ve had extensive interactions with the company, a follow-up thank-you note can be a courteous gesture.
  • Proofread your message: Finally, before sending your message, double-check for any typos or grammatical errors to ensure professionalism.

tips for declining a job offer

3 Email Examples for Turning Down a Job Offer

To help you turn down a job offer with ease, we’ve put together three tailored email examples that demonstrate how to say “no” to a job offer with grace and professionalism.

Each example is designed to address different scenarios you might encounter, ensuring you can communicate your decision effectively while maintaining positive relationships.

The email examples you can use to turn down a job offer are:

The Grateful Decline

In this example, we explore how to gracefully decline a job offer while expressing gratitude for the opportunity. This approach is ideal for maintaining a positive relationship with the potential employer.

email template for a graceful decline

The Professional Decline

Here, we focus on rejecting a job offer in a straightforward, professional manner. This template ensures clarity and respect, keeping the door open for future opportunities.

email template for a professional decline

The Networking Opportunity

Turning down a job offer doesn’t mean losing a networking chance. In this example, learn how to decline while also laying the groundwork for future professional connections and opportunities.

email template for networking opportunity

FAQs About How To Decline a Job Offer

We understand that each situation is unique, and you might still have specific concerns or questions.

Here, we’ve compiled the most asked questions to give you additional insights and guidance.

Is it acceptable to change your initial response to a job offer?

While not ideal, it’s sometimes necessary to decline a job offer after initially accepting it, especially if you encounter unforeseen circumstances or receive a significantly better opportunity. In such cases, it’s crucial to handle the situation with professionalism and promptness.

Communicate your decision as soon as possible, explain your reasons if you feel comfortable and apologize for any inconvenience caused. This approach helps maintain your professional integrity and minimizes potential negative impacts.

How to politely turn down a job offer without burning bridges?

To turn down a job offer without burning bridges, start by expressing gratitude for the offer and the opportunity. Be concise and clear in your communication, stating your decision to decline. If comfortable, provide a brief reason for your decision, such as pursuing a role more aligned with your career goals.

Express interest in keeping in touch and maintaining a professional relationship. A follow-up thank-you note can further demonstrate your appreciation and respect for the opportunity, reinforcing a positive ongoing relationship.

tips for turning down a job offer

How to turn down a job offer due to personal reasons?

When declining a job offer due to personal reasons, it’s important to strike a balance between honesty and maintaining privacy. Start by expressing gratitude for the offer and the employer’s effort in the hiring process.

Explain that you’re declining due to personal reasons; don’t feel compelled to define specifics. Assure them that your decision is not a negative reflection of the company or role. If you’re open to future opportunities, mention your interest in being considered for future roles that might be a better fit. Conclude by wishing the company success, leaving the conversation on a positive note.

Stay Ahead in Your Career Journey With OysterLink

Looking for a new job and navigating your career path comes with its challenges, like knowing how to decline a job offer.

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  • Trending salary insights
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