Hotel Manager Demographics and Statistics in the US – 2025
We’ve compiled a list of Hotel Manager demographics and statistics in the United States.
You can see how many Hotel Managers are women, what their educational attainments are and more.
- The average Hotel Manager salary in the United States is $76,790
- The highest paid individuals in the Hotel Manager role earn as much as $127,090 per year
- The bottom earners in this role make $39,270 per year
- 50% of all Hotel Managers are Women
Hotel Manager Employment
There are roughly 41,980 Hotel Managers in the United States.
The projections for this role from 2023 to 2033 show that there will be a 10% increase in the number of open Hotel Manager positions, much faster than is the case with other occupations.
See the number of Hotel Managers from 2019 to 2023 in the graph below, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Hotel Manager Gender Statistics
The number of male and female Hotel Managers in the United States is roughly the same, as opposed to the role of Hotel General Manager which is male-dominated, as you can see on our Hotel General Manager demographics page.
Hotel Manager Age Statistics
Most Hotel Managers (66%) are older than 40 years old.
Hotel Manager Ethnicity and Race Statistics
Most Hotel Managers are white, followed by Hispanic or Latino (11.2%) and Asian (11%). Other hospitality roles have a similar breakdown according to race and ethnicity, as you can see on our Restaurant Manager demographics page.
See the breakdown of Hotel Manager statistics by race and ethnicity.
Hotel Manager Education Statistics
Hotel Managers typically have higher levels of educational attainment.
While most have a bachelor’s degree, 18% of them have an associate’s degree while 11% have a high school diploma.
Other hospitality roles, such as that of Sommelier, have similar educational attainment. You can learn more on our Sommelier demographics page.
Hotel Manager Tenure Statistics
The hospitality sector has a high turnover rate of about 70%-80% every year.
Hotel Managers are no exception with 16% of them staying with the same employer for less than one year, and only 11% staying with the same employer for more than eight years.
See the breakdown of Hotel Manager tenure in the graph below.
Hotel Manager Jobs by Industry
Most Hotel Managers work in the Traveler Accommodation industry.
While Hotel Managers can be found in other industries as well, their numbers significantly drop, as you can see in the table below.
Industry | Employment |
Traveler Accommodation | 36,330 |
Parks and Recreational Camps | 1320 |
Real Estate | 920 |
Management of Companies and Enterprises | 450 |
Office Administrative Services | 980 |
Hotel Manager Jobs by Company Size
32% of all Hotel Managers work for companies that employ less than 1,000 people, while 24% of them work for employers that employ between 1,000 and 10,000 individuals.
See the breakdown of Hotel Manager jobs by employer size in the graph below.
Hotel Manager Languages Spoken
As a role that interacts with tourists and guests of all nationalities and backgrounds, many Hotel Managers typically speak several languages aside from English.
While Spanish is the most popular second language for Hotel Managers, they also speak French, German, Italian and more.
See the breakdown of languages that Hotel Managers speak below.
Hotel Managers Demographics and Statistics FAQÂ
Hotel Managers working in the following states typically have the highest salaries:
- Hawaii – $119,640
- Connecticut – $111,890
- District of Columbia – $100,720
The New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA metropolitan area has the most Hotel Managers (2,560).
If you’re looking for a Hotel Manager job in this area, see our NYC Hotel Manager jobs page.
Hotel Managers are sought across the U.S., especially in states and cities that have growing hospitality and tourism industries.
Some of the states where Hotel Managers are in high demand are:
- California
- New York
- Florida
If you’re looking for Hotel Manager jobs in Florida, explore our Hotel Manager jobs in Miami.
There are roughly 41,980 Hotel Managers in the United States.
Roughly 50% of all Hotel Managers are female.
Most Hotel Managers are white.
On average, male Hotel Managers are 45 years old, while female Hotel Managers are 43 years old.
10 Additional Hotel Manager Statistics
- 63% of all Hotel Managers are white
- Most Hotel Managers (57%) have a bachelor’s degree
- 40% of Hotel Managers stay in the same position for up to two years
- Most Hotel Managers work in the Traveler Accommodation industry
- 25% of Hotel Managers work in companies that employ less than 100 people
- The top-paying metropolitan area for this role is Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, HI ($ 126,070)
- There are about 6,000 job openings for Hotel Managers across the United States each year
- The top-paying industry for Hotel Managers is Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water Transportation ($146,120)
- The state with the highest number of jobs for Hotel Managers is California (6,220)
- 69% of all Hotel Managers work in traveler accommodation
Hotel Manager Statistics and Demographics Data
We use a combination of government and agency websites and resources to calculate our Hotel Manager statistics and demographics.
See how we do it on our statistics methodology page.

Written by Vukasin Petrovic
Vukasin is an experienced content creator with more than five years of writing and editing experience. With a background in English and an MFA in Creative Writing, he excels in digital marketing and copywriting, crafting narratives that engage the audience.

Reviewed by Stefan Petrov
With over 10 years of experience as a writer and editor, Stefan has worked in the automotive, IT, health and hospitality industries. Familiar with Google Search Console and other SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, Stefan uses his experience to create content that’s visually appealing to the user but also ranks in the SERPs.