Waiter/Waitress Salary in NYC, NY

How Much Does a Waiter/Waitress Make in NYC, NY?

The average annual salary for a Waiter/Waitress in NYC, NY is $50,860.00. We calculate this figure using our salary methodology, which includes data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau and other websites and agencies.

What could I earn?

Find out how your salary compares to the average Waiter/Waitress salary.

Average Waiter/Waitress Base Salary:

What can I earn as Waiter/Waitress? Your salary is $0.00 on the US national average.
Market Average $17.56
Your salary $17.56
$6.00 $12.00 $24.00

How much does a Waiter/Waitress make in New York per hour?

The hourly rate for a Waiter/Waitress in New York is currently $24.00. This does not include tips, bonuses or other performance-based incentives offered by the establishment they’re employed in.

How much does a Waiter/Waitress make in New York per month?

The average monthly salary for a Waiter/Waitress in New York is $4,238.33.

How much does a Waiter/Waitress make in New York per week?

Based on the hourly and monthly salaries above, the average Waiter/Waitress salary per week in New York is $960.00.

How Does the Salary of a Waiter/Waitress in New York Compare to the National Average?

The average annual salary for a waiter/waitress in New York is $43,920, which is significantly higher than the national average of approximately $34,030. This reflects New York’s higher cost of living and the prevalence of fine dining, luxury hotels, and upscale restaurants.

  • Hourly Breakdown:
    • In New York, the average hourly wage for a waiter is around $21.12, surpassing the national average of $17.56.
  • Monthly and Weekly Comparisons:
    • Monthly Salary: Waiters in New York earn approximately $3,660 per month, compared to the national average of about $2,836.
    • Weekly Salary: Waiters earn around $845 per week in New York, while the national average is closer to $654.

The wage gap is most evident in high-end dining spots, Michelin-starred restaurants, and tourist-heavy areas like Manhattan, where guests tend to tip generously.

What is the Average Tip Amount Waiters/Waitresses Receive in New York?

Tips significantly enhance a waiter’s income in New York, often accounting for more than 50% of their total earnings. On average, waiters can earn between $150 to $400 per shift in tips, with variations depending on the establishment and clientele.

  • Type of Establishment:
    • Fine Dining: $300 – $500 per shift
    • Casual Dining: $150 – $300 per shift
    • Bars and Cafés: $75 – $200 per shift
  • Shift Timing:
    • Peak Hours (Dinner/Weekends): Higher tips, often reaching $400+ per night.
    • Off-Peak (Lunch/Weekdays): Tips average around $100 to $200 per shift.
  • Clientele and Location:
    • Upscale neighborhoods like Manhattan (Upper East Side, Tribeca) or hotspots like SoHo and Times Square generally yield higher tips due to affluent diners and high-spending tourists.
    • Waiters in outer boroughs or less affluent areas might earn closer to $100 to $200 per shift, similar to the national average.

Maximizing Tips in New York

  • Event Nights: Working during Broadway shows, sports events, and holiday seasons can exponentially increase tip income.
  • Upselling: Recommending premium items like fine wines, seafood platters, or exclusive cocktails can drive higher tips.
  • Tourist Engagement: Providing exceptional service to tourists, especially in theater districts or tourist-heavy areas, often results in larger tips.
  • Networking with Regulars: Building connections with local clientele and business professionals in areas like Wall Street or Midtown can lead to consistent, high-value tips.

How Can I Earn More Money as a Waiter/Waitress in New York?

The easiest way to earn more money as a Waiter/Waitress is to ask for a raise or a promotion. To do that, you’ll need to be prepared to discuss with your employer about why you deserve a raise.

To help you out, we’ve got a list of Waiter/Waitress interview questions and answers that you can use to come up with your own answers when you’re asking for a raise.

How Can I Determine What I Should be Earning as a Waiter/Waitress in New York?

In addition to the average salaries above, you can view our job listings for and see what employers are willing to pay for the role.

What Skills Are Employers Looking for in a Waiter/Waitress in New York?

You can see what employers want in a Waiter/Waitress in New York if you take a look at a sample Waiter/Waitress job description. In it, you’ll find the most common skills, abilities and experience requirements for this role.

High-Paying Cities for Waiter/Waitress

The table below showcases four of the best cities to work in as a Waiter/Waitress. You can see the average annual wage for a Waiter/Waitress in each of these cities.

High-Paying Cities for Waiter/Waitress

City Avg Salary Avg Hourly Wage
Chicago, IL $34,340 $16.51
Los Angeles, CA $40,520 $19.48
Miami, FL $37,360 $17.96
NYC, NY $50,860 $24.45

Similar Careers in New York

If you’re interested in seeing what other roles you can work in NYC, see our NYC jobs page.

Job title:
  • Waiter/Waitress
  • Assistant Restaurant Manager
  • Backwaiter
  • Baker
  • Banquet Chef
  • Banquet Server
  • Bar Manager
  • Barback
  • Barista
  • Bartender
  • Bellhop
  • Beverage Director
  • Breakfast Attendant
  • Busser
  • Butler
  • Cashier
  • Catering Sales Manager
  • Chef
  • Chef de Partie
  • Cocktail Server 
  • Commis Chef
  • Concierge
  • Cook
  • Director of Restaurant Operations
  • Dishwasher
  • Event Coordinator
  • Event Manager
  • Event Planner
  • Executive Chef
  • Facilities Manager
  • Fast-Food Worker
  • Fine Dining Server
  • Floor Manager
  • Food and Beverage Manager
  • Food Delivery Driver
  • Food Runner
  • Food Stylist
  • Fry Cook
  • Head Chef
  • Host/Hostess
  • Hotel General Manager
  • Hotel Manager
  • Housekeeper
  • Inventory Manager
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Kitchen Porter
  • Kitchen Supervisor
  • Laundry Attendant
  • Line Cook
  • Maitre D’
  • Mixologist
  • Pastry Chef
  • Pastry Cook
  • Pizza Maker
  • Porter
  • Prep Cook
  • Private Chef
  • Receptionist
  • Restaurant Consultant
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Room Attendant
  • Server
  • Sommelier
  • Sous Chef
  • Steward
  • Sushi Chef
  • Tournant
  • Valet
  • NYC, NY
  • Average US
  • Chicago, IL
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Miami, FL
Avg. Salary

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