Host/Hostess Salary in the United States
The average Host/Hostess salary in the United States is $30,750 per year + tips. Find out how to negotiate higher pay by exploring the following:
- Restaurant Host/Hostess salary trends in recent years
- Factors that affect salary ranges for this role
- Tips on how to go about salary negotiations
Fortunately, this guide has all the above information plus other insights you’ll need to maximize your earnings.
While you’re at it, try out our comparison tool below, which lets you compare your current or desired Host/Hostess salary with those in major U.S. cities.
What could I earn?
Find out how your salary compares to the average Host/Hostess salary.Average Host/Hostess Base Salary:
What can I earn as Host/Hostess? Your salary is $0.00 on the US national average.Note: All figures in this guide are calculated using salary collection methodology.
How Much Do Restaurant Hosts/Hostesses Make?
As mentioned, Hosts and Hostesses working in the U.S. earn an average of $30,750 base plus tips per year. However, some Hosts and Hostesses can earn as little as $21,530 (10th percentile) a year, while others may earn as much as $38,830 (90th percentile) a year.
[Source: BLS]
This chart is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the chart to see detailed data.
If you find yourself in the 90th percentile, you’re making more than 90% of all Hosts and Hostesses in the U.S. On the flip side, being in the 10th percentile means you’re earning less than 90% of the group.
Search for Host/Hostess jobs
Host/Hostess Salary by Year
The following chart illustrates the growth of Host/Hostess salaries from 2018 to 2023. We can see the average salary has increased by approximately 32.21% from $23,260 in 2018 to $30,750 in 2023.
[Source: BLS]
This chart is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the chart to see detailed data.
How Much Does a Host/Hostess Make per Hour?
The average base hourly wage for a restaurant Host/Hostess in the U.S. is $14.78.
How Much Does a Host/Hostess Make Monthly?
The average base monthly salary for Hosts and Hostesses in the U.S. is $2,562.5.
How Much Does a Host/Hostess Make Weekly?
The average weekly salary for Hosts and Hostesses in the U.S. is $591.35.
Host/Hostess Salary by State or District
By looking at Host and Hostess salaries across the United States, you’ll get a better understanding of regional differences in compensation. Here’s a map that shows the different salary ranges for this position across different states and districts.
[Source: BLS]
This map is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the map to see detailed data.
Hosts and Hostesses in Washington ($41,630), the District of Columbia ($40,940) and Hawaii ($40,350) earn the highest average salaries, while those in Montana ($23,570), Alabama ($23,130) and Mississippi ($21,930) earn the lowest.
State | Avg. Salary |
Washington | $41,630 |
District of Columbia | $40,940 |
Hawaii | $40,350 |
New York | $38,950 |
California | $38,700 |
Vermont | $37,560 |
Maine | $36,840 |
Massachusetts | $35,690 |
New Jersey | $34,420 |
Alaska | $34,260 |
Nevada | $33,890 |
Connecticut | $33,840 |
Arizona | $33,550 |
Colorado | $33,420 |
Missouri | $33,070 |
Maryland | $32,820 |
Illinois | $31,750 |
Oregon | $31,620 |
New Hampshire | $31,150 |
Rhode Island | $30,900 |
Utah | $30,890 |
Florida | $30,200 |
Virginia | $29,950 |
Minnesota | $29,260 |
North Dakota | $29,140 |
South Dakota | $28,880 |
Tennessee | $28,310 |
Delaware | $28,090 |
Pennsylvania | $27,980 |
Michigan | $27,840 |
Wisconsin | $27,400 |
Arkansas | $27,160 |
Wyoming | $26,440 |
Texas | $26,430 |
Iowa | $26,410 |
Ohio | $26,310 |
Nebraska | $26,240 |
Indiana | $26,210 |
Georgia | $26,210 |
Kansas | $26,090 |
North Carolina | $25,210 |
South Carolina | $24,910 |
Louisiana | $24,710 |
Kentucky | $24,640 |
Idaho | $24,550 |
West Virginia | $24,290 |
Oklahoma | $24,120 |
Montana | $23,570 |
Alabama | $23,130 |
Mississippi | $21,930 |
Host/Hostess Salary in Major US Cities
Out of the four cities listed below, Los Angeles pays Hosts and Hostesses the most ($39,570), followed by New York City, Chicago and Miami.
Annual mean wage
# of employees
Annual mean wage
# of employees
Annual mean wage
# of employees
Annual mean wage
# of employees
[Source: BLS]
Factors Affecting a Host/Hostess Pay
Besides the location, several other factors affect the average pay for Hosts and Hostesses in the hospitality sector:
Type of Establishment
Restaurants that are busy or high end normally pay more due to steady customer flow and potential for larger tips.
Experience Level
Seasoned Hosts and Hostesses who have honed their customer service skills over time often command higher salaries. Those salaries reflect their ability to manage guest seating arrangements and address guest inquiries effectively.
Customer Satisfaction Metrics
Ensuring customer satisfaction through service and creating a welcoming environment can result in increased tips and potential salary increases for Hosts and Hostesses.
Additional Responsibilities
Hosts and Hostesses who take on extra responsibilities, such as training new staff, managing reservations or helping with special events, may receive higher paychecks.
Shift Availability
Hosts and Hostesses who are able to work evenings, weekends and events or holidays may have more opportunities to collect tips.
Estimate Your Take-Home Pay
If you work as a Host or Hostess in the U.S. try out our Paycheck Calculator to see what the take-home pay is in your state. Whether you’re compensated hourly or on a fixed salary basis, our calculator will help you accurately determine your earnings.
Paycheck Calculator
Disclaimer: Please note that this paycheck calculator is designed to provide an estimate and should not be considered as professional tax advice. The actual withholding amounts and taxes owed may vary depending on individual circumstances and other factors. For accurate and personalized tax advice, we recommend consulting with a tax professional.
If your gross pay is $74,000.00 per year in the state of New York, your net pay (or take home pay) will be $55,385.89 after tax deductions of 25.15% (or $18,614.11). Deductions include a total of [1] 12.23% (or $9,048.10) for the federal income tax, [2] 5.28% (or $3,905.01) for the state income tax, [3] 6.20% (or $4,588.00) for the social security tax and [4] 1.45% (or $1,073.00) for Medicare.
The Federal Income Tax is collected by the government and is consistent across all U.S. regions. In contrast, the State Income Tax is levied by the state of residence and work, leading to substantial variations. The Social Security Tax is used to fund Social Security, which benefits retirees, persons with disabilities and survivors of deceased workers. Medicare involves a federal payroll tax designated for the Medicare insurance program. As of 2022, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming do not levy a state income tax.
Salary Negotiation Tips for Hosts and Hostesses
Negotiating salary is pretty stressful, but it’s an essential part of the job search process. Here are some tips to help you prepare for salary negotiation:
- Research market rates: Before entering negotiations, research the average salary range for Host/Hostess positions in your area and type of establishment.
- Highlight your skills and experience: During negotiations, emphasize your relevant experience, customer service skills and qualifications or certifications you bring to the table.
- Be prepared to discuss benefits: Besides the base salary, you should also consider other benefits such as meal discounts, health care plans or vacation and sick days. These perks may also be negotiable and can add significant value to your compensation package.
- Practice effective communication: Exhibit confidence and professionalism by explaining why you want a higher salary. Clearly state your reasons while remaining respectful and open to compromise.

Beyond Pay: Perks & Benefits for Hosts and Hostesses
Apart from compensation, salaried workers in the hospitality industry often enjoy many other perks and benefits. These include:
- Employee discounts
- Free meals
- Flexible scheduling
- Free uniforms
- Health, vision and dental insurance
- Gym memberships
- Paid time off
- Opportunities for advancement
- Training programs
- Incentive programs, employee of the month awards or performance-based bonuses
- Education assistance or tuition reimbursement programs
- Supportive and positive work environment
How Much Do Similar Careers to a Host/Hostess Get Paid?
Host and Hostesses earn less than Servers and Bartenders but less than Barbacks and Valets.
Job Title | Avg Salary |
Server | $35,457 |
Fine Dining Server | $56,584 |
Waiter/Waitress | $36,530 |
Host/Hostess Salary FAQs
Host/Hostess salaries are often higher in metropolitan areas or regions with a higher cost of living. In contrast, salaries may be lower in rural areas or regions with a lower cost of living.
Yes, Hosts and Hostesses often rely on tips as a substantial part of their income, especially if they work in establishments where tipping is customary.
Yes, there is potential for salary growth and advancement in Host/Hostess roles over time.
With experience, additional training and great performance, Hosts and Hostesses may be able to secure higher-ranking roles within the hospitality industry, where they can earn more.
These may include positions like Head Host/Hostess, Shift Supervisor, Event Planner, Assistant Restaurant Manager, etc.
Yes, Hosts and Hostesses may have opportunities for overtime pay or additional compensation when working beyond regular hours. Employers may offer overtime pay at a higher rate for this extra time or provide other forms of compensation for additional work hours.
Yes, there can be seasonal fluctuations in Host/Hostess salaries, especially during holidays or peak vacation times when restaurants have higher customer volumes. During such times, Hosts and Hostesses may receive higher tips and additional compensation.

Expert Reviewer Milos Eric thoroughly evaluated this salary guide to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the analyses provided. The salary guide provides insights such as location-specific figures, industry trends and factors that influence compensation.
As the Co-Founder and General Manager of OysterLink, Milos brings his extensive experience as an entrepreneur and business executive. Through the years, he has led and hired more than 500 employees for global companies like DesignRush and Digital Silk.
Not to mention, he is recognized as a Top Voice for Leadership, Recruitment and Recruitment Management on LinkedIn.