Home Jobs Kitchen Manager Jobs Kitchen Manager Jobs in Miami


Miami Kitchen Manager Jobs: February 2025 Job Listings

Whether you’re taking a big step in your restaurant career path or applying for another Kitchen Manager position in Miami, our list of the best Kitchen Manager jobs in the city has you covered.

43 Kitchen Manager Jobs in Miami, Florida

All of the Miami-based Kitchen Manager positions listed below have comprehensive compensation packages and in-demand locations.

Evaluate each job as we list the compensation package, employer, job requirements and more. Please note that salaries are not always available in most job openings for management roles.


To review the responsibilities of a Kitchen Manager, check out our Kitchen Manager job description. Also, make sure to review our Kitchen Manager interview guide when you need it!

How to Apply for Kitchen Manager Jobs in Miami

Landing a Kitchen Manager job in Miami requires preparation and industry knowledge. Follow these steps to increase your chances of securing a role:

  • Use Job Boards: Browse OysterLink’s latest Kitchen Manager openings in Miami to find roles that align with your career goals.
  • Update Your Resume: Highlight experience in kitchen management, staff supervision, inventory control, and food safety compliance.
  • Showcase Your Leadership Skills: Be ready to discuss how you’ve successfully managed teams, handled busy shifts, and improved kitchen efficiency.
  • Understand Industry Standards: Familiarize yourself with Miami’s food safety regulations, labor laws, and best practices for managing kitchen operations.
  • Network in the Hospitality Scene: Attend industry events and connect with restaurant owners, chefs, and recruiters. Many top jobs are filled through professional connections.

Kitchen Manager Salary and Employment Trends in Miami

Miami-based Kitchen Managers earn an average salary of $56,380 per year or $27.11 per hour. In general, the average salary for food service management positions in Miami has increased by almost 17% since 2019.

Note: 2021 data not available.

[Source: BLS]
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Calculate Your Net Pay in Miami, FL

Calculate your pay as a Kitchen Manager with our Florida Paycheck Calculator, and check how much of your pay you can take home after taxes and other deductions.

Paycheck Calculator

Your estimated take home pay:


Detailed tax breakdown:

16.81% Total Tax 83.19% Net pay
Salary $62,000.00
Federal Income Tax $5,680.50
State Income Tax $0.00
Social Security Tax
Medicare $899.00
Take Home $51,576.50

Disclaimer: Please note that this paycheck calculator is designed to provide an estimate and should not be considered as professional tax advice. The actual withholding amounts and taxes owed may vary depending on individual circumstances and other factors. For accurate and personalized tax advice, we recommend consulting with a tax professional.

If your gross pay is $62,000.00 per year in the state of Florida, your net pay (or take home pay) will be $51,576.50 after tax deductions of 16.81% (or $10,423.50). Deductions include a total of [1] 9.16% (or $5,680.50) for the federal income tax, [2] 0.00% (or $0.00) for the state income tax, [3] 6.20% (or $3,844.00) for the social security tax and [4] 1.45% (or $899.00) for Medicare.

The Federal Income Tax is collected by the government and is consistent across all U.S. regions. In contrast, the State Income Tax is levied by the state of residence and work, leading to substantial variations. The Social Security Tax is used to fund Social Security, which benefits retirees, persons with disabilities and survivors of deceased workers. Medicare involves a federal payroll tax designated for the Medicare insurance program. As of 2022, Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming do not levy a state income tax.

You can also check your hourly or month pay with our Salary to Hourly Calculator.

Legal Requirements for Kitchen Managers in Miami, FL

Below are some legal considerations Kitchen Managers should have depending on their role and food establishment.

Food manager certification

Certified Food Managers can be required in certain establishments to ensure proper food preparation and storage and to train other employees to follow suit. These establishments shall put in writing the Food Manager/s for each of their locations.

Food handler certification

Florida law requires all food service employees to attend a food handling certification to learn proper food management and hygiene.

For more legal considerations in Miami, check out our Florida labor law guide.

Should Kitchen Managers be paid for overtime if they are requested to work on their off hours?

How We Picked Our Kitchen Manager Jobs in Miami

To give you the best options, we selected Kitchen Manager jobs based on: (1) pay and benefits, (2) location and (3) training and promotion opportunities.

Although not every job listed indicates salary, all have job benefits that can contribute to your overall quality of life. They are also from companies with locations in the heart of Miami.

Lastly, all jobs are from companies that highlight the importance of career growth opportunities within their organization.

Why Work as a Kitchen Manager in Miami?

Miami is one of the most exciting places to work in the hospitality industry. Here’s why Kitchen Manager jobs in Miami are highly desirable:

  • High Demand for Skilled Professionals: With constant restaurant openings and evolving food trends, experienced Kitchen Managers are always needed.
  • Competitive Salaries: Many restaurants and hospitality groups offer lucrative compensation packages for experienced Kitchen Managers.
  • Career Growth Opportunities: With hundreds of restaurants across Miami, there’s plenty of room for advancement to Executive Chef or General Manager roles.
  • Exposure to International Cuisines: Miami’s diverse culinary scene allows Kitchen Managers to work with unique flavors, ingredients, and cooking styles from Latin America, the Caribbean, and beyond.

Kitchen Manager Miami Jobs FAQ

Check out some helpful answers below for frequently asked questions related to Kitchen Managers jobs in Miami.

A Kitchen Manager in Miami earns an average of $27.11 per hour or $4,698.33 per month.

Kitchen Managers fall under the category of Food Service Managers. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there are currently about 5,530 Food Service Managers in Miami.

Yes, Florida requires all food service employees, including Food Service Managers, to get a food handler certification.

Getting this certification means you have to attend training on food handling practices and food safety and pass the respective exam.

Kitchen Manager with two Chefs

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