Event Coordinator Jobs: March 2025 Job Listings
If you think you’ve got what it takes to become an Event Coordinator, you’ve definitely landed in the right place.
3319 High-Paying Event Coordinator Jobs in the US
We’ve selected 3319 Event Coordinator jobs from various states to help you kickstart your career and get you on the fast track to success.
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Paid Media Specialist
Execution Specialist
Event Coordinator job

Kids Events Team Member



Automotive Parts Specialist (Hiring Immediately)
Public Events Coordinator

Catering Coordinator
Youth Development Specialist – Relocation to Hershey, PA Required
How Much Can You Earn as an Event Coordinator?
In the U.S., the current average Event Coordinator salary is $54,362.
The salary of an Event Coordinator can vary depending on several different factors, the prime being the state and city where the job is located.
For example, Event Coordinators in Los Angeles ($59,871) earn significantly more than Event Coordinators in Miami ($49,024).
Laws and Regulations for Event Coordinator Jobs
Event Coordinators are protected by the same federal laws that other positions in hospitality enjoy. This includes the federal minimum wage which every Event Coordinator job must offer at the very least.
When applying for a job as an Event Coordinator, it’s always a good idea to check your local laws and regulations since state and local laws get updated much more often. On another note, it’s important to mention that to get a job as an Event Coordinator, you must have a permit to legally work in the U.S.
Event Coordinator Jobs FAQs
Typically, you have to be 18 years old or older to work as an Event Coordinator. Because this role requires previous experience, many establishments list being 21 years old as their minimum requirement.
We have an entire page going over and answering the most common Event Coordinator questions, so feel free to check that out. It will help you prepare for your next job interview.
Yes. Most establishments require previous working experience as an Event Coordinator or an Event Planner, with one year being the minimum in most cases.
How We Selected These Event Coordinator Jobs
When selecting these jobs, we used several criteria to make sure we included only quality listings. Our main focus was on finding jobs posted by reputable establishments, preferably ones that have existed for several decades and have built up a reputation in their respective industries.
Another thing we really focused on was finding jobs that offer extra benefits such as paid time off, free meals and 401(k). Since 56% of employees state their health coverage plays a major factor in deciding whether to stay at their current job, we placed strong emphasis on jobs with decent health plans.