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Top 12 Receptionist Interview Questions & Example Answers

If you’re looking to start a new career as a Receptionist and want to ace your upcoming interview, you came to the right place.

To help prepare you for the interview and to leave a great, lasting impression on your potential employer, we’ve collected some of the most common questions you might encounter when applying for Receptionist jobs.

Explore general interview questions, questions about skills and experience and situational interview questions below — each with sample responses.

General Receptionist Interview Questions

Read the general interview questions below to get a better idea of what to expect in your interview:

Why are you interested in this role?

Sample answer: “I am passionate about starting my career as a Receptionist and seeing how much I can progress.

I believe that my current skillset, experience and dedication will allow me to become a contributing member to your organization.”

What are your greatest strengths as a Receptionist?

Sample answer: “My greatest strengths as a Receptionist lie in my strong communication skills and ability to perform well under pressure.

Additionally, I have keen attention to detail, which allows me to edit written forms and improve processes within my organization, ensuring that documents that leave the office aren’t riddled with errors.”

What role does a Receptionist play in the customers’ first impression of the business?

Sample answer: “The Receptionist is usually the first person anyone sees when they walk into an office or establishment, so it is part of the Receptionist’s job to ensure that guests have a positive first impression.

As a Receptionist, I try to be as friendly and welcoming as possible to ensure that every individual who steps into the office feels welcome.”

Receptionist Interview Questions About Skills and Experience

Explore the below questions to learn how to prepare for the skills and experience questions you may be asked when applying to Receptionist jobs.

What are the skills that qualify you as a Receptionist?

Sample answer: “Throughout my experience as a Receptionist, I’ve developed multiple skills that I believe will help me thrive in this role.

I have learned time management and prioritization that help me get through the dynamic nature of the job. I’ve also learned how to effectively communicate in-person and through written correspondence.

How do you stay organized in a Receptionist’s dynamic environment?

Sample answer: “I use both my computer and pen and paper to keep track of information.

I also use a scheduling software that helps me manage my boss’ appointments and then write on my notebook the items that are of higher priority.

By doing these, I can efficiently allocate my time to tasks that require prompt attention while also ensuring that all other tasks are completed.”

How do you prioritize tasks?

Sample answer: “I prioritize tasks based on urgency.

With my current employer, the emphasis is placed on customer inquiries and calls. So, I first try to address any questions that customers or potential customers might have to ensure a high degree of customer experience.

From there, I focus on keeping track of schedules and appointments to ensure that there are no conflicts or errors.”

Walk me through the typical workday at your previous place of employment?

Sample answer: “I come to the office as early as 7 a.m. and set everything up for the day. This includes making sure that the reception area is tidy and that I have everything that I might need for the day.

I then check the daily schedule for meetings and appointments and make sure to highlight the ones that are happening earlier or those that require advanced preparation.

From there, I mostly greet visitors and answer general inquiries, update the schedule as needed, and complete ad hoc tasks that often arise.”

What a hotel Receptionist’s workday looks like

Receptionists work across various industries and establishments.

While Receptionists work in legal offices, healthcare settings and financial institutions, some Receptionists work in hotels.

See what a typical day of a hotel Receptionist looks like in the video below.

How strong are your computer-related skills?

Sample answer: “I would say that my computer skills are quite satisfactory.

For starters, I hold a MOS Certificate which means that I am very proficient with Office applications. I am also willing to learn how to use additional software, depending on what the role requires.”

Situational Receptionist Interview Questions

For the situational questions below, you’ll need to prepare answers that demonstrate your quick thinking and ability to ensure exceptional customer service in all scenarios.

How do you ensure a positive work environment for guests and visitors as a Receptionist?

Sample answer: “I make sure to act warmly and professionally in all situations.

I keep a clean and tidy reception area and address each visitor as they arrive with a smile. By inquiring about their needs, I can promptly either address their questions or direct them further based on their needs.”

Have you ever diffused a challenging situation with an angry caller or visitor?

Sample answer: “Yes. There was a situation in which an angry customer called to express their frustrations about a scheduling error.

Although the call wasn’t very pleasant, I assured the customer that they are heard and that their concerns are noted.

I went through the schedule to try and find an alternative that would suit both my employer and the customer. Fortunately, we managed to find a date that worked for both parties.

In the end, the customer apologized and thanked me for a swift reaction.”

Can you describe a stressful day working as a Receptionist and how you managed to stay focused and efficient?

Sample answer: “An example of a stressful workday was when we had multiple back-to-back client meetings scheduled, a major system outage and an unexpected influx of visitors due to a conference being held nearby.

I prioritized greeting and welcoming visitors while answering phones once I directed them. I also set up a system to log calls and callbacks to ensure no messages were missed.

While I didn’t eat or take breaks that day, we managed to pull through without having any dissatisfied visitors or customers.”

Can you provide an example when your attention to detail prevented you or someone from your company from making a mistake?

Sample answer: “Once, while I was preparing a large set of documents to be sent to a client, I noticed that the address didn’t match.

I double-checked the customer information and found that the address was misspelled. Catching this mistake prevented the documents from being sent to the wrong address, which could have caused significant delay and confusion for the client and our company.”

How To Prepare for Receptionist Interview Questions as an Applicant?

Before going to a Receptionist job interview, you might want to consider the following steps to ensure you are adequately prepared for this stage of the application process.

1. Research the company

Researching the company is the best way to understand their values and what they might expect within the role.

Considering that a Receptionist’s job description can greatly vary based on the type of employer, researching the organization and what they do can give an individual trying to become a Receptionist valuable insights on what is expected.

In fact, as much as 99% of applicants research the company’s website before going to the interview to learn as much about their potential employer as they can.

Explore the graph below to see the applicant’s most common points of research.

[Source: Robert Walters Group]

This bar graph is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the chart to see detailed data. 

2. Practice your answers to possible interview questions

Review our list of common Receptionist interview questions and prepare answers.

This way, you will come to your interview prepared and will limit the number of surprises you can encounter.

3. Dress appropriately

Receptionists must dress professionally in their role as they welcome guests and visitors. Showing up to your job interview appropriately dressed means that you are committed to the role and take your tasks seriously.

Choose a professional attire that is suitable for the company’s dress code. A neat and polished appearance demonstrates your professionalism and respect for the interview process.

How To Hire the Best Receptionist for Your Organization?

As an employer looking to find the best Receptionist for your organization, you can look at the following steps to ensure you are attracting the top talent:

  • Write a clear Receptionist job description.
  • Compare the applicants’ resumes against what you’re looking for.
  • Observe the candidate’s communication and professionalism, skills necessary for a Receptionist.
  • Analyze the candidate’s technical skills, such as their ability to multitask or communicate effectively.
  • Evaluate the candidate’s fit within your organization.