Housekeeper Demographics and Statistics in the US – 2025
We’ve collected a list of top Housekeeper demographics and statistics in the United States.
Find out where they work, what their salaries are, their educational levels and more.
- The average wage of a Housekeeper in the United States is $34,650 per year
- Top earners can make $45,680 per year
- Individuals with the lowest pay levels of the group earn $24,520
- 59% of Housekeepers work part-time
- 85% of all Housekeepers are women
Housekeeper Employment
There are 836,230 Housekeepers in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
See the employment levels for this occupation for the years 2019-2023.
Housekeeper Employment Type
41% of Housekeepers work full-time, while the rest are employed on a part-time basis.
Housekeeper Gender Statistics
Only 15% of all Housekeepers are men. This is in stark contrast with the Valet role as you can see on our Valet demographics and statistics page.
Housekeeper Age Statistics
The majority of Housekeepers are older than 40, followed by those who are between 30 and 40 years old (17%).
This age breakdown is similar to another hospitality role that is dominated by older individuals. See more on our Barback demographics page.
Housekeeper Ethnicity and Race Statistics
Most Housekeepers are white, followed by Hispanic/Latino (20%) and Black or African American (10%).
See the breakdown of Housekeeper statistics by race and ethnicity below.
Housekeeper Education Statistics
While some Housekeepers have higher levels of education such as a bachelor’s degree (9%), most have a diploma or a high school diploma.
This is similar to the educational attainment of Bussers as you can see on our Busser demographics page.
Housekeeper Tenure Statistics
Most Housekeepers stay at the same job for less than a year (39%). However, there are also individuals who stay at the same housekeeping job for more than 8 years (7%).
See the breakdown of Housekeeper tenure statistics below.
Housekeeper Jobs by Industry
Housekeepers work in a number of industries. The one that employs the most of them is traveler accommodation.
See other industries where Housekeepers work below.
Industry | Employment |
Traveler Accommodation | 467,270 |
Services to Buildings and Dwellings | 100,490 |
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | 95,050 |
Nursing Care Facilities | 71,480 |
Continuing Care Retirement Communities | 46,480 |
Housekeeper Jobs by Company Size
Most Housekeepers (30%) work for companies that employ between 1,000 and 10,000 individuals.
Housekeeper Languages Spoken
Most Housekeepers who know an extra language speak Spanish. Aside from English and Spanish, Housekeepers also speak French (5%) and Russian (2.8%).
Additional Housekeeper Statistics
- Most Housekeepers (75%) are over 40 years old
- 60% of all Housekeepers are white
- 53% of Housekeepers have a high school diploma
- Traveler accommodation is the industry that employs the most Housekeepers (467,270)
- 20% of all Housekeepers work in companies that employ less than 100 people
- 77% of Housekeepers who know a second language speak Spanish
- The metropolitan area of New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA employs the most Housekeepers (48,070)
- Kahului-Wailuku-Lahaina, HI is the metropolitan area that offers Housekeepers the highest wage ($37,980)
Housekeeper Demographics and Statistics FAQÂ
The top three paying states that offer the highest salaries to Housekeepers are:
- Hawaii
- New York
- District of Columbia
If you’re a Housekeeper looking for a job in New York, explore our NYC Housekeeper jobs page.
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA is the metropolitan are that employs the most Housekeepers.
Where are Housekeepers in high demand?
Cities that have a high demand for Housekeepers include:
- Honolulu
- New York
- Miami
- Washington D.C.
If you’re looking for a Housekeeper job in Florida, explore our Miami Housekeeper jobs page.
There are currently 836,230 Housekeepers in the United States.
85% of all Housekeepers are women.
Most Housekeepers are white.
Cities that have a high demand for Housekeepers include:
- Honolulu
- New York
- Miami
- Washington D.C.
If you’re looking for a Housekeeper job in Florida, explore our Miami Housekeeper jobs page.
The average male Housekeeper is 46 years old while the average female Housekeeper is 48 years old.
Housekeeper Statistics and Demographics Data
We calculate our statistics and demographics data using official government sources and agencies.
See how we find Housekeeper statistics and demographics on our statistics methodology page.

Written by Vukasin Petrovic
Vukasin is an experienced content creator with more than five years of writing and editing experience. With a background in English and an MFA in Creative Writing, he excels in digital marketing and copywriting, crafting narratives that engage the audience.

Reviewed by Stefan Petrov
With over 10 years of experience as a writer and editor, Stefan has worked in the automotive, IT, health and hospitality industries. Familiar with Google Search Console and other SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush, Stefan uses his experience to create content that’s visually appealing to the user but also ranks in the SERPs.