OysterLink Job Platform Launching Dec. 2024
The OysterLink Job Platform is Launching December 2024

Top 15 Barista Interview Questions & How To Answer Them

Whether you’re a Barista looking for a new job or a Hiring Manager hiring in this competitive market, it is essential to get started on the right foot.

In this guide, we’ll look at the top Barista interview questions categorized into Skills and Experience, Customer Service and Situational/Behavioral questions with explanations and examples for employers and candidates.

1. Barista Interview Questions About Skills and Experience

Inquire about the candidate’s experience and skills in a Barista role with questions such as:

  • Can you describe your experience with different types of coffee beverages and brewing methods?
  • What techniques do you use to accurately pour drinks and minimize the waste of resources?
  • Have you ever managed inventory or restocked coffee supplies? How do you ensure that the coffee station is well-stocked and organized?
  • Describe your experience using POS (point-of-sale) systems.
  • Describe your approach to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards in the coffee station throughout your shift.

An experienced Barista will deliver a degree of efficiency and product knowledge which will improve the overall success of your coffee shop.

an image showing barista skills necessary to ace barista interview questions

Can you describe your experience with different types of coffee beverages and brewing methods?

For employers: Use this question to assess the candidate’s experience with a variety of coffee drinks and brewing methods. Look for an applicant who demonstrates an understanding of various brewing methods and coffee drinks and is capable of catering to a wide range of customer preferences.

For applicants: Elaborate on your experience and demonstrate your knowledge of making various coffee drinks, brewing methods and equipment operation.

Example answer: Throughout my Barista career, I’ve become well-versed in a variety of coffee drinks and brewing methods. I have experience making both forte drinks like flat whites and cortados as well as traditional coffee-based drinks like lattes, cappuccinos and macchiatos.

What techniques do you use to accurately pour drinks and minimize the waste of resources?

For employers: Look for a candidate who demonstrates pouring techniques that will maintain a high degree of accuracy and efficiency during beverage preparation.

For applicants: Highlight your expertise in different pouring methods like free pouring, jiggering and measuring, emphasizing your ability to accurately and efficiently pour drinks without wasting resources.

Example answer: I’ve learned that, when it comes to pouring drinks, it is essential to be accurate and efficient. I am proficient in multiple pouring techniques all the while consistently paying attention to the measures I am using. Additionally, I try to cater to diverse customer preferences and offer a personalized touch to encourage repeat business.

Are Barista salaries keeping up with living costs in your area?

Have you ever managed inventory or restocked coffee supplies? How do you ensure that the coffee station is well-stocked and organized?

For employers: Use this question to assess the candidate’s inventory management skills. Look for an individual that understands the importance of organization and proactive restocking to effectively meet customer demands.

For applicants: Demonstrate your ability to order, restock and receive coffee supplies. Explain your methods for doing so.

Example answer: I have extensive experience with coffee supplies inventory management. I used to conduct regular inspections to evaluate our supplies and spot any excesses or defects. Consequently, it was my job to reach out to vendors and promptly restock any supplies on which we were short, taking into account current demands and the speed at which particular supplies were being used.

Describe your experience using POS (point-of-sale) systems. 

As reported by 6sense, Square holds a notable 28.2% share of the POS systems market, closely followed by Toast at 24.6%.

[Source: 6sense]
This chart is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the chart to see detailed data. 

For employers: This question assesses the candidate’s familiarity with different POS systems. Look for an individual who demonstrates an understanding of POS systems and an ability to generate accurate reports.

For applicants: Elaborate on your previous experience with POS systems. Highlight any specific features that you’ve used in the past to handle transactions and manage customer orders.

Example answer: I have extensive experience with different POS systems. In my previous role, I was implementing split billing, discounts and generating reports for end-of-shift reconciliation.

Describe your approach to maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards in the coffee station throughout your shift.

For employers: Use this question to assess the candidate’s ability to keep the coffee station clean. Look for an applicant who demonstrates proactivity in maintaining a high standard of cleanliness.

For applicants: Describe your methods of keeping the coffee station, equipment, surfaces and utensils clean.

Example answer: I follow a rigorous cleaning plan that involves wiping off surfaces, replacing utensils as needed and sanitizing surfaces. To avoid contamination, I also proactively look for spills and deal with them right away.

2. Barista Interview Questions About Customer Service

This group of questions will help you gauge the candidate’s ability to deliver exceptional customer service.  By assessing their ability to pleasantly interact with customers, you will determine whether the candidate is capable of building a rapport with guests and creating an overall positive customer experience.

How do you handle customer questions about different coffee blends or brewing methods?

For employers: This question helps you assess the candidate’s ability to provide useful and valuable responses to knowledgeable customers. Look for an applicant who demonstrates an understanding of different coffee varieties and the ability to communicate it to customers in a professional manner.

For applicants: Demonstrate your knowledge about the variety of coffee drinks and brewing methods. Emphasize your communication skills and how you would provide personalized recommendations based on customer preferences.

Example answer: I listen to customers when they ask questions regarding coffee blends or methods. I then rely on my expertise to provide them with individualized, educational recommendations based on their preferences. Regardless of what their drink is, I walk them through the process by showcasing several flavor profiles and brewing methods to enable them to make the decision they are the happiest with.

How do you handle a situation where a customer is dissatisfied with their coffee beverage?

For employers: Use this question to gauge the candidate’s ability to quickly address and resolve any issues a dissatisfied customer may have. Look for a candidate that demonstrates empathy, active listening and problem-solving skills to appropriately address and provide solutions to any situation.

For applicants: Describe how you approach and handle a situation with a dissatisfied guest. Highlight how you would diffuse the situation and resolve the guest’s issues.

Example Answer: I approach dissatisfied customers with empathy and a commitment to resolve their concerns. I pay close attention to understanding what the specific issue is so that I can efficiently offer a solution. Additionally, I apologize for any trouble and offer to make a beverage according to the customer’s request. If allowed, I offer an item on the house or a price reduction to apologize for any inconvenience and to try and turn a negative experience into a positive one.

How do you ensure that every customer receives prompt and courteous service during busy periods?

For employers: Assess the candidate’s ability to maintain a high standard of customer service during peak hours. Look for a candidate who can efficiently prioritize tasks, communicate a need for help and minimize any operational delays.

For applicants: Discuss your strategies for delivering exceptional customer service during busy periods. Mention a situation in which you were able to deliver great service in a high-paced situation.

Example answer: During busy periods, I try to prioritize efficiency and ensure that every client receives prompt and polite service. That means welcoming each guest as they approach the counter, recognizing their arrival and providing an estimated waiting time. I try to manage expectations by setting a realistic deadline and keeping the guests informed about the status of their order. Regardless of how busy it gets, I try to address each customer’s requests and communicate with other team members to try and speed up order processing.

How do you handle customer inquiries about special dietary requirements or preferences, such as dairy-free or gluten-free options?

For employers: Evaluate the candidate’s ability to cater to diverse customer needs. Look for a candidate who’s knowledgeable about dietary restrictions and allergens and capable of providing substitute options to cater to specific dietary preferences.

For applicants: Demonstrate knowledge of dietary restrictions and preferences, emphasizing your ability to accommodate guests that have special requirements. For example, highlight your knowledge on gluten-free ingredients and substitute options.

Example answer: When dealing with a guest with special preferences or restrictions, I point out options that are safe to consume based on their preferences or propose to create a custom drink if that would suffice. I am committed to meeting the needs of each customer and offering a pleasant coffee experience, whether that means offering a gluten-free pastry choice or a dairy-free milk substitute for their latte.

How do you handle a situation where a customer is unsure about what coffee beverage to order?

For employers: Evaluate the candidate’s ability to help indecisive customers in placing an order. Look for a candidate who demonstrates patience and product knowledge to accurately and efficiently provide customers with recommendations.

For applicants: Demonstrate patience and an ability to ask probing questions that will allow you to offer appropriate recommendations to each customer.

Example answer: I begin by asking the guest about their preferences, including their caffeine tolerance and taste preferences.  I make individualized recommendations to cater to the customer’s taste and provide additional options about menu, ingredients and brewing techniques so that they can make an educated decision. By carefully leading them through their decision-making process, I try to help them make a decision that will leave them happy and encourage them to come back.

3. Situational/Behavioral Barista Interview Questions

Use this set of questions to gauge the candidate’s adaptability in real-life situations.

How do you handle a situation where a customer becomes agitated or upset due to a long wait time for their coffee beverage?

For employers: Use this question to assess the applicant’s ability to diffuse tense situations and ensure that a customer feels respected and heard. Look for a candidate that demonstrates empathy with the goal of addressing the customer’s issues while offering a satisfactory resolution.

For applicants: Descrie how you handle situations in which a customer gets upset over a long waiting time. Mention the proactive steps you take to address their concerns, such as active listening, offering an apology and providing a complimentary item to demonstrate that customer satisfaction is the priority.

Example answer: When a customer expresses irritation about having to wait a long time for their coffee, I approach them calmly, acknowledge their frustration and offer a sincere apology. I promise to promptly address their issue and give them an update on their order. To demonstrate that customer satisfaction is our priority, I offer a complimentary item to go with their order.

Should establishments provide bonuses or shared profits with employees?

Describe a time when you had to multitask effectively to handle a high volume of customer orders during a busy shift.

For employers: Evaluate the candidate’s ability to multitask during a busy shift. Look for an individual who demonstrates strong organizational skills and ability to effectively prioritize during busy periods.

For applicants: Describe how you prioritize skills under pressure. Highlight your ability to remain composed under pressure and deliver exceptional customer service regardless of how busy a shift gets.

Example answer: To handle a busy shift effectively, I prioritize tasks based on urgency and customer needs. I organize my workspace for efficiency and ensure that essential supplies and equipment are within easy reach. I maintain clear communication with colleagues to coordinate tasks and streamline service.

How do you handle situations where you observe a potential safety or hygiene issue within the coffee shop?

For employers: Use this question to assess the candidate’s ability to address potential safety or hygiene issues within the coffee shop. Look for a candidate that demonstrates attention to detail, vigilance and proactive communication to resolve any issues.

For applicants: Describe how you approach handling an unsafe or unsanitary situation and highlight your ability to observe, intervene and communicate with relevant parties.

Example answer: When I spot a potential safety or hygiene concern in the coffee shop, I try to address the issue as quickly as possible. Whenever there is a spill, a problem with the equipment or an unclean area, I step in right away to reduce the hazards. I can disclose problems to managers and coworkers and work with them to develop suitable corrective actions… In addition, I take proactive measures to guarantee that everyone may work in a clean, safe and pleasant atmosphere.

Can you recall a time when you had to adapt quickly to unexpected changes in the workplace, such as a sudden rush of customers or equipment malfunction? How did you manage the situation?

For employers: Use this question to evaluate the candidate’s ability to adapt to unforeseeable circumstances. Look for a candidate who demonstrates flexibility and an ability to remain calm under pressure.

For applicants: Describe a situation in which you quickly had to adapt to unexpected changes in the workplace. Explain how you prioritized tasks and ensured the smooth ongoing operations of the coffee shop.

Example answer: During a particularly busy morning shift, our espresso machine unexpectedly malfunctioned, causing delays in serving customers. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, I immediately notified my supervisor about the issue while simultaneously reallocating tasks among my colleagues to ensure smooth operations. Despite the setback, I remained calm under pressure, prioritized drink orders based on complexity and communicated transparently with customers about the delay. Through effective teamwork and quick thinking, we managed to serve all the customers with minimal delay and ensure a high degree of customer satisfaction.

Have you ever received constructive feedback from a supervisor or colleague about your performance? How did you respond to the feedback, and what actions did you take to improve?

For employers: Use this question to assess the candidate’s receptiveness to feedback and their ability to implement changes when necessary. Look for a candidate that demonstrates humility and openness to learning.

For applicants: Reflect on a time when you received constructive feedback from a supervisor or colleague about your performance. Describe how you responded to the feedback and the actions you took to improve your skills or address any areas of concern.

Example answer: At one point my supervisor told me there’s a need to improve my efficiency during busy hours. I appreciated the feedback and took it as a learning opportunity. I spoke to other colleagues and learned time management techniques. I also became more organized. This included keeping the station clean, all the equipment within reach and I minimized distractions. Over time, I observed significant progress in my ability to handle high-volume periods with ease, resulting in smoother operations and increased customer satisfaction.

After your barista interview, a follow-up email can help you stay memorable to the hiring team.

How to Become a Barista

While there are no specific educational requirements to fulfil a Barista role, you will benefit from having experience, courses or certifications that prove your Barista skills.

Candidates interested in becoming a Barista will benefit from having the following:

  • Highschool diploma or equivalent: Having a high school diploma or an equivalent demonstrates basic levels of literacy and communication. Applicants with said degree will have an advantage over candidates who don’t.
  • Coffee-related courses: Having coffee-related certifications will demonstrate your commitment to succeed in a Barista role, making you a more desirable applicant.
  • Professional certifications: Obtaining industry-recognized certifications, such as the Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Barista Skills Certification, can demonstrate a candidate’s commitment to professional development and enhance their qualifications for barista roles.
  • Aptitude for learning: If you want to succeed in a Barista role, you should proactively seek learning and development opportunities. This will allow you to grow as a Barista and stay ahead of the competition.

How To Prepare For A Barista Interview

You can use the following steps to effectively prepare for a Barista interview as a candidate and employer.

As a candidate: 

  • Familiarize yourself with the café or coffee shop where you are applying. Learn about their menu, ambiance and customers to demonstrate your interest in the position.
  • Review the job description to understand responsibilities and expectations of the role you are applying for. Prepare examples from your past experiences that demonstrate skills that make you a perfect fit for this role.
  • Practice common interview questions and prepare answers.
  • Prepare questions for the interviewer—show interest in the position. Ask about the coffee shop’s approach to customer service, growth opportunities or training programs.

As an interviewer: 

  • Review the responsibilities of the role. Based on the applicants’ resumes, highlight the ones who meet the criteria for the role and have relevant job experience.
  • Develop a structured interview format through which a candidate can demonstrate his soft skills, practical knowledge and have a chance to ask questions.
  • Assess whether the candidate is a cultural fit and whether their views align with the café’s culture and values.

Are Baristas Paid Well?

According to the most recent data averaged from Glassdoor, Indeed and ZipRecruiter, the average mean salary for a Barista is $28,998. Additionally, Baristas receive tips to supplement their income.

Barista salaries vary greatly across different cities such as Miami and NYC. Additionally, Barista salaries can vary from state to state.

You can explore the below map of average annual Barista salaries across the U.S. states:

[Calculated using Glassdoor, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Salary.com and Talent.com data]

This map is interactive. Hover your mouse over different parts of the map to see detailed data. 

Career Advice