Home Article Review Process

OysterLink’s Process for Reviewing Articles

article review process in oysterlink

Published: 09/11/2024

Here at OysterLink, we follow a rigorous multi-step article review process. The goal of this process is to provide our readers with high-quality articles that are accurate, comprehensive and relevant.

Once a Content Specialist finishes an article, they submit it to an Editor for substantive editing and proofreading. The initial review focuses on the overall structure, clarity and adherence to OysterLink’s style guidelines. This stage ensures the content is easy to understand, well-organized and engaging for readers.

After the Content Specialist polishes the article according to the Editor’s comments, it undergoes a final review by one of our Expert Reviewers: industry professionals who bring their extensive knowledge of a particular topic. 

Our Expert Reviewers come from various backgrounds — including recruitment, business strategy, senior roles in the hospitality industry and consulting positions. They are selected based on the topic of the given article. 

During the final review stage, an Expert Reviewer verifies the accuracy of every piece of information in the article, cross-referencing claims with reputable sources and checking for any inconsistencies. They might also offer their suggestions to further improve the article or provide more valuable insights thanks to their years of experience.

how oysterlink writes and publishes articles

This multi-step article review process not only ensures an article meets the highest standards but also reinforces OysterLink’s reputation as a trusted source of reliable and useful information on the hospitality industry.